
How to integrate the latest technology in your farm business

by | Agribusiness

The latest technologies can bring to your farm business a lot of advantages as reduction in costs or an increase in performance, but how to choose the right ones that best fit for your needs is a challenge.

Look to the latest technologies like drones, GPS systems, IoT, 3D printers and many others. How can these technologies be integrated and bring value to your farming business?

Latest technologies which I used on my farm

I will give you examples from my experience, I hope to inspire you.

For instance, I used a GPS system with high precision to increase land utilization into a farm. The productivity per hectare increased by 6%. This number seems small, but when you multiply with 700 hectares, you can understand the benefit.

I will give you another example: when you have a refrigeration room with a capacity of 500 tons of product, you should check regularly to see if the sensors and equipment are working. Every single error can create big losses. You should ask somebody to do this check regularly, to look to every single sensor to see if it’s working, but how often you should check in order to avoid disasters? Because of this, I implemented a monitor system that sends emails when something is not working. In this way, I could continue monitoring it without being around and my risks are low.

I just gave you examples of how technology can be integrated into your business to make your life easier.

Farm business today

Do you think that drone technology can influence the way you farming today? Do you think that 3D printers can change it too?

For instance, you have a piece of agricultural machinery which has a broken part. Sometimes to buy that part is almost impossible for different reasons (your equipment is old and you can’t find parts for it and so on). But if you have somebody in your town who has a 3D printer, he can reproduce the spare part you want. It will save you a lot of money because you don’t need to buy a piece of new equipment which is expensive and has the risk of not fitting your system.

Did you ever think that the internet can change the way you do business? It has already done it and you don’t even realize. For instance, today we use emails instead of letters or fax machines. We do check on YouTube how others use a piece of equipment. We can find reviews about products and services to help us make better decisions and avoiding mistakes. Do you remember how it was before? What were you doing before the internet to get informed?

Do you believe that your shoes can be produced with 3D printers exactly for your footprint? Do you think this is possible?

Please think about this: How can the internet be used to grow your business? Did you ever think that Amazon can help you to grow your business? Please think again, but before that take a look at Amazon to see if you can find there already similar products to the ones you produce.

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