
Which agricultural machinery brings profit?


Use business methods to evaluate which agriculture equipment best meets your farm’s needs and see true costs. Don’t spend extra money on oversize equipment or buy equipment which doesn’t meet your minimum requirements.

Remember none of this is financial advice. I hope it’s just the starting point for you to do your own research because every farm is different and the context changes over time.

Quick Checkout


With this document, you can analyze what agriculture equipment is the best fit for your farm, which brings money in your poket and which takes money out of your poket. I did this analysis for myself and helped me to better understand the real costs of buying and using agriculture equipment. You can read more about this topic here (link). It is an excel document that uses the most common aspects to help you in the decision making process. you can customize this document and add more categories to the analysis demending on your particular situation.

Use business methods to evaluate which agriculture equipment best meets your farm’s needs. Don’t spend extra money on oversize equipment or buy equipment which doesn’t meet your requirements.

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