
Farming Business Accelerator Program


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Farming Business Accelerator

Increase your profitability by 32% or more and work 23% less in 10 weeks intensive online course with live mentoring & coaching

Week 1: How to have more time even if you are over busy
Week 2: How to deal with laws, weather, ecologists, poor trade policies even if you are a small farmer
Week 3: How to increase productivity while reducing costs
Week 4: How to sell products even when there is a lack of buyers
Week 5: How to get more value for your money even if you have no financial studies
Week 6: How to diversify and get the best from your farm even with no governmental support
Week 7: How to choose new kits and technology that improve efficiency and bring profitability even if you are not a financial expert
Week 8: How to invest profit to maximize gain even if you are not a professional investor
Week 9: How to do economies of scale even if your farm is small
Week 10: How to make farming attractive for your kids even if they don’t want to farm

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